Do Any Of You Take Forxiga? What Do You Think About It? Please Tell Me Everything About Forxiga. I Am Going On It.
What time of the day is best to take Forxiga? What other medications cant you take with it? With side effects being UTI and Yeast Infections and Peeing a lot and flu like possible sympthoms and etc what are the most stand out sympthoms about the medication?
The best place to get answers to your questions is your own medical team. They can answer all these questions. Also your pharmacist is possibly even more helpful as they have a great knowledge of all medications. Again another place is on line, but be careful here and only read information from approved medical web sites. You will no doubt find other forum discussions if. you use Google and ask for Forxiga information. From these you can see other people's comments on the drug, but from these you will need to extract what information. you feel is reliable. I cannot comment on it, as I have no knowledge and if I wanted to know I would have to do all the things I have suggested above. Hope someone replies that has knowledge and their own opinion of the drug. Remember though when you get people's opinion, it is only theier opinion. If you want to know the medical advice ask the professionals.
I'm on Forziga for more than a year now. The only persistent problem I got is yeast infection that can be controlled with pessary and hygiene. As long as I drink a lot of water I feel better because it can cause dehydration also. If I notice that i have dry skin or feel thirsty then that's my cue. Down side is you pee a lot.
I take forziga as well and the only problem with it is the many trips to the bathroom. One benefit is that I have lost between 5 -10lbs since on it Jly 2016.
Thank You I have posted on here to whats new with all of this and have gotten pharmacists advice and we decided to not to take the medication until we get Endo's comment to the medication counteracting with the other medication I take. And cause I emailed my endo stating that the pharmacist wanted to know her thoughts and found out my endo won't be back until the 20th so. I am thinking of emailing my Diabetes Team nurse and letting them know you know? Keep you posted
I took the drug circa three years ago. Discontinued due to excessive urination.
Has Anyone Used The Drug Forxiga ??
Who's Taking Farziga And How Do You Handle That It's Expensive?
Tell Me Please About Metformin. Shall I Take It Or Not? Thank You.