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Type 2

A DiabetesTeam Member asked a question 💭
Bristol, UK

Diets pickle my head ..not interested seems like the only thing I'm allowed to eat are lettuce and water as all else contains sugar....would love someone to definitely let me know what foods are sugar free and help with wait loss truth I drink alcohol to get rid of my appetite

August 2, 2020
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A DiabetesTeam Member

As Lise notes, a diabetic dietician can be of great assistance in working out a diet that will "work for you".

There are dozens of different (recognized) diets that work for Diabetics. Keto/Atkins on the extreme end, DASH, Mediterranean, Vegan, Vegetarian, Low Carb/Healthy Fat, Low Carb/High Fat or Atkins 100 on the other end with a number in between.

Being diabetic doesn't mean "no sugar" but each diet will be "specific to you". You need to find where your tollerance is. And "sugar" is kind of a misnomer. Yes sugar spikes your blood but so does "all carbs" (so starches as well).

Each of us Type 2's have a compromised system. Either we don't make enough Inuslin or are resistant to the insulin we produce (or a little of both). That means that each of us can only process "X" amount of carbs before the extra turns into excess blood sugar (which causes the problem).

I can tollerate 100 net carbs a day and keep my blood at "non-diabetic" levels. Bob next to me might only be able to handle 50 and Mary might need all kinds of meds if she exceeds 20 carbs a day - there is no "one answer for all".

Once you figure out your tollerance then you can decide what to eat that fits within that restriction. Fat and Protein contain "zero carbs" and have no effect on blood sugar (except free protein if you are on a keto diet but that is whole other discussion).

In my diet I can still intake 25 grams of sugar a day and be fine. That is the equivalent of about 6 teaspoons of white sugar. But I have to decide "where" that will come from. I can eat fruit and veggies, that also contain vitamins/minerals/fiber/anti-oxidants etc (are good for me) until I reach that 25g/day of sugar or I could put two spoons of sugar in 3 coffee a day and burn up "my allowance" - the latter provides "no health benefit" but the coffee would be sweet.

August 2, 2020
A DiabetesTeam Member

Keep away from foods with high glycemic index. Do your research. Since everything turns to sugar later in your stomach keep away from breads and cereals that are not whole grain. Ifcu want flavor turn to spices in your veggies
Anything sweet should be fruit, limited, or course.

August 8, 2020
A DiabetesTeam Member

Whenever your just diagnosed with diabetes here in Ontario GP makes arrangements to visit a dietitian. This helps make a appropriate diabetic meal plan. Another resource can be helpful is your library.
All the best! 🥰

August 2, 2020
A DiabetesTeam Member

Here are some dietary tips for managing type 2 diabetes:

- Limit simple (refined) carbohydrates and added sugars: These can cause spikes in blood sugar levels
- Avoid high-sugar beverages: Unless you're experiencing hypoglycemia, it's best to avoid sugary drinks.
- Eat unprocessed or minimally processed foods: These are Show Full Answer

Here are some dietary tips for managing type 2 diabetes:

- Limit simple (refined) carbohydrates and added sugars: These can cause spikes in blood sugar levels.
- Avoid high-sugar beverages: Unless you're experiencing hypoglycemia, it's best to avoid sugary drinks.
- Eat unprocessed or minimally processed foods: These are generally healthier and have a lower impact on blood sugar.
- Substitute simple carbohydrates with whole grains: Whole grains are complex carbohydrates that are digested more slowly, helping to maintain stable blood sugar levels.

For personalized advice, it's important to work with a healthcare provider to determine how specific foods affect you.

July 12, 2024
A DiabetesTeam Member

That's what I'm going for. You can cook most any food wo oil. Lentils, beans, cauliflower, all taste great w rice. 3/4 legumes w 1/4 rice or baked potato. What skills u is the sour cream, butter and bacon that go w the potato. Even then Sweet potato has 110 calories, compared to 160 regular potatoes. That's great MM.

August 17, 2020

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