Do People With Type Two Diabetes Take Insulin? I Thought That People That Take Insulin Are People With Type One Diabetes.
Simply using insulin does not make you Type 1.
Type 1's can only treat with insulin because they can't make any themselves.
Type 2's can make varying degrees of insulin and treat with oral medication on non-insulin injectables but if their own insulin production drops too low then they can supplement with insulin as well - but they will always be "Type 2".
Type 1 is an autoimmune disease and a blood test confirms this autoimmune disease in question, no medications in pill form will work for a type 1 diabetic as only insulin can help them, as their pancreas is being destroyed by the autoimmune disease itself.
Type 2 used to be labeled as NIDDM (non insulin dependant diabetes mellitus) and IDDM (insulin dependant diabetes mellitus). Usually most type 2 are started on pill form medications and later on as the disease progresses they also can progress to going onto insulin.
Type 2 can be managed with dietary changes also. I myself was on pill form medications for 9 months and have been off diabetic medications since May 28th 2020, so little over 15 months medication free and control with nutrition only. I am reduced mobility so exercise is not often for me. I do try and get in 3000 steps or more around my apartment as I myself have 5 autoimmune diseases so going outside is a high risk for me to get Covid, so been in lockdown since mid March 2020 unless appointments which were quite rare this past year. But losing weight and changing foods we eat for more nutritious ones will help any type 2.
But the disease is progressive so at times we may need to go back onto medications or readjust our diet when stress of any kind arises such as health or mental health or financial, wounds not healing and other complications from diabetes itself. Also recently there is now a new official term for people in here who are like me that manage without diabetic medications and it is called Type 2 diabetes in remission. I still get high numbers at times when ill, or eat things I should maybe not eat to start off with. But I have 18 diseases with no cure and 5 are autoimmune so my diabetes is affected also by some of them, especially the GI issues I have.
It is possible to go into remission for some and may not be for others.
I am type two and have been doing insulin injections for years after Metformin etc stopped working!
My blood sugar is good. I did remember when my blood sugar was low and that's because I took the metamorphin on a empty stomach when I was hurting financially.
I used to do sit ups and walking for over two years but now ever since my address has changed for temporary. I walk up and down through flights of steps and I'm still cold turkey of drugs and alcohol.
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