What Is The Best Way To Treat Neuropathy
My feet are constantly burning and especially at night which keeps me awake all night I need some sleep
I use a handheld, electric massager for my hands and feet which really helps. I also raise my legs up against the wall, 20 mins eveey day - you can lay on the bed or on a yoga mat with your butt against the wall and heels up... while there, after 20mins incorporate other exercises like rolling and flexing your feet, etc.
It guarantees me a great sleep. I think it takes time. Stick with it.
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Have Anyone Tried Neurop Away Or Nervive And Did It Help? I've Tried Nervive But It Didn't Help Me.
Guys My Feet Are Burning And Can't Sleep At Night. What Can Help Me?
How Does One Manage Daily Symptoms Of Diabetic Neuropathy?