Who Has Been Battling The Beast The Longest?
Looking through a list of Team members I noticed that @A DiabetesTeam Member was diagnosed in 1993 - 29 years ago which certainly makes her one of the extreme veterans.
So I'm looking for a "shout out".
When were you Diagnosed??
Myself - 2016 (August) - Age 52
Some amazing battling the beast stories here, especially @A DiabetesTeam Member 's ! I am now entering into my 56th year of diagnosis and looking forward to eventually retiring from the rat race. EDIT (2023-03-02) - I will still continue to live - sailing the coastal waters of Atlantic from Halifax and further south ! My reward for battling the sugars :)
Thank you so much for opening up your journey and yourself to us.
Type 1 for 26 yrs! And going strong.
1997 was the first time I was diagnosed. So, I've been battling the "BEAST" as you put it for a very long time. Some Medical professionals I've seen since the original diagnosis, SWEAR that mine may not have been as bad as originally thought. So I've been at it about 26 years. My eyes aren't that bad and, my feet are the color they're supposed to be so, maybe I'm not as bad off as originally thought. As of late I feel that I'm winning this battle. Basically because, I have waaayyyy too much life left to enjoy before I check out! Love, peace and happiness my friend!
Hi Friends.
I was first diagnosed with type 2 in 1982. Thus 41 years ago.
Dewald de Beer
Having Diabetes Is So Stressful
I Am Type 2 Diabetic, I Take Meds But Not Insulin. I Get Sudden And Sharp Stomach Cramps, That Disappear Within An Hour. Is That Common?
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