I Would Like To Know How To Loose Weight Because I'm Weighing 106kg And My Height Is 1.75cm I've Been Trying So Much To Loose Weight But To
I would like to tell you what I have done. I started at 115.5kg 4monthsago and am now at 98kg and my blood sugar readings look normal.However I want to also say its still too early to tell and I will be more confident with this statement after my next A1ctest.
I followed the following process. In retrospect I should have just consulted with a nutritionist and started the process properly. Much of this came from learning what I needed to understand and if I have just tried to do everything at once I might well have been overwhelmed and might well have failed. So maybe start slowly in stepps like I did.
1. kicked sugar and white flour (so bread and pasta)
2. Started intermittent fasting eating breakfast at 8am and lunch at 2pm then fasting till next breakfast. Already I started loosing weight in the first week. I think mostly due to eating less than I was used to. Ie missing a meal and removing bread,pasta and sugar.
3.I have found sugar to be the most difficult. I went into what can only be described as withdrawal. After a week or 10 days I started to be less cranky. I have only now after 4 months started to not crave sugar the whole time. Is till miss it.
4. After 2 months I spoke to a nutritionist for the first time. Here I understood that I needed to get rid of all simple carbs. So I added rice, maize, beans,potatoes etc to my exclusion list. I created a green list of ingredients and started to cook using only those ingredients. Counting carbs and calories.
5. Weight loss increased again which had plateaued at about 107. I think exactly because to loose weight you need to eat less calories than your body uses.
6. I started to test my blood sugar and record the levels. That was even more motivating than the weight loss because the readings just keep getting better.
7. My understanding of what is going on is better. I understood what it means to spike, what is normal, what is ketosis, BMI, what is the dawn phenomenon and the list goes on.
8. So I will soon need new cloths as my current ones are starting to be very baggy. I have understood that this ketogenic diet, while in time might be able to be relaxed a little, is pretty much going to be my new lifestyle. I am grateful that I have a situation what looks like I have regressed from a picture of poorly managed diabetes diagnosis to something that might well be called normal. But I will only know that in 2 months time after the next A1c. I can never go back to my previous life of overeating and indulgence but to not have to take chronic medications seems like its a small price to pay.
Cut portion size
Hi Ntombo, my advice is to check your diet. What works for me: don't eat sweet stuff except for some fruits (not too much), avoid anything made with flour, rice, potatoes, butternut. Don't add sugar in your meals.
Basically eat veggies and meat :) to start with. I hope this helps.
oh, and start walking more, at least 30min a day. I am not a doctor, but I am just sharing what works for me. Cheers.
My first weight loss was just cutting all portions in half. It works ! But eventually you have to start counting calories and tweeking them here and there . When I reached a plateau I would eliminate something like sugar and cream in my coffee. Or switching to a lighter version of your favorite recipe! Its hard work and you will feel hungry for sure. Making the changes gradually helps adjusting to your new lifestyle
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