Hello Hkc, I Have A Question For You. How Many Cups Or Oz Of Water Are In One Liter Of Water Or How Much Water I Should Drink Daily In US?
Thank you for all the information about Diabetes that you give us. It is very helpful. I have high blood pressure also, so I use very little salt and no caffeine which helps. Also, is it ok to drink tea instead of water
Have you ever tried brown rice. My doctor said people with diabetes can eat brown rice, which is a whole grain rice. It's not really brown, it's just not as white as white rice, or as sweet
No white rice, white bread, white potatoes, but ok to have a small whole grain corn… read more
Hi @A DiabetesTeam Member,
For best hydration,
Current wisdom recommends sipping 1/2 to 3/4 oz water daily for every pound of body weight. So if you weigh 200 pounds that equals 100 to 150 ounces. That is about 3-5 litres.
A litre is just over a quart. A quart is 4 cups.
Personally I sip 150-250 ounces water daily and have for the past 15 years. I feel my best at this hydration level. I was finally diagnosed with diabetes in February 2021, A1C 13.5.
Around 2008 to 2009 is when I started needing that level of water daily. And of course many visits to the loo. Based on that Criteria, I asked my doctor every year if I was diabetic. He kept telling me no.
He retired at the beginning of covid. I saw my new doctor in February 2021. The rest is history.
Standard wise 33.8 OZ is 1 liter, assuming a glass has about 8 oz so 4 glasses of water. I live in a tropical country so I average 3.5-4 liters of water a day. I do brisk walking 3-4 times a week so I drink more due to our weather. Coffe is only during morning, then I also drink green tea as my afternoon beverage normally 2 cups and the rest is water. Basically no problems for my kidneys as the excess fluids get out by sweat, urine and breath vapor. I am sure if you live in the USA then the weather is temperate and very different from tropical ones. Not sure if what I just wrote down can help you.
@A DiabetesTeam Member Thanks for sharing. Additionally, I've learned from this site that rice and pasta is healthier once it is refrigerated overnight; somehow the cooling process lessens the carbs in it. Also, brown rice and whole wheat pasta is healthier; but I'm not certain that all diabetics can eat any of it though. As a prediabetic (on no diabetes meds) my own body can handle just 1/2 C of brown rice. I recently discovered I can handle more whole wheat spaghetti, if eaten early in the day. I also read that 4-5 cups of green tea is healthy for everyone.
I drink 6.5 cups of water daily.
i usually drink 2litres of water u an also try that
How Much Water Do I Need To Drink For The Best Hydration Level.
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