Hi Everyone, I Am Wondering If Any Of You Have Been Told By Your Doc That You Kidney #'s Are Too High, The Referred You To A Kidney Doc?
Not sure what you mean by "too high"
Kidney function is routinely tested using a couple of different tests - eGFR (blood test) or ACR (urine test)
The eGFR (estimated globulin filter rate) gives an indication of how well your kidney's are working
The result of the test - a number corresponds to 1 of 5 (categories) or stages of Kidney Function
Stage 1 is essentially normal
Stage 2 is mildly decreased kidney function but working well
Stage 3 broken into A and B being (A) mild to moderate or (B) moderate to severe impairment
Stage 4 Severe Impairment - barely working
Stage 5 Kidney Failure
The "guideline" states that if you have "deteriorating Stage 3B" you should be referred to a Nephrologist (Kidney Doc)
I have Type 2 diabetes and was diagnosed a few years later with CKD 3a. I'm still working on developing healthy meals that are good for both diseases. Not fun but can be done. All the best to you.
It doesn't need to be.I have kidney failure on dialysis and have been officially diabetic since 2002.l only had to slightly tweak my food intake.
Did You Know That Today (March 14th) Is World Kidney Day?
What Are The Side Effects Of Metformin And Lantus? I Was Told To See A Kidney Doctor
What Do The Doctors Tell You To Protect Your Kidneys?