Has Anyone Taken Ozempic,Mourjarno Or Trulicity? My Doctor Wants Me To Try Mourjarno Or Trulicity. I'm Currently Taking Jaurdiance.
Any side effects from Mourjarno, Trulicity or Ozempic i should be concerned about. I know these medications effects everyone differently.
Based on my knowledge base, here are the side effects for Trulicity and Ozempic:
Trulicity (Dulaglutide)
Common Side Effects:
- Nausea
- Diarrhea
- Abdominal pain
- Loss of appetite
- Vomiting
Rare but Serious Side Effects:
- Thyroid cancer
- Pancreatitis
- Kidney problems
- Severe gastrointestinal reactions
We have a number of members taking all of the ones you mention
Jardiance is in the SGLT-2 drug class - it works by getting your kidneys to suck "extra sugar" out of your blood and it passes it in your urine
Works well for many but about 1 in 5 develop such chronic yeast infections (all that sugar in the urine) that they have to stop but it does have the added benefit of Kidney Protection - the number 2 or 3 killer of Type 2 diabetics
Jardiance works whether your pancreas is capable of making a lot or only a little insulin, so in Insulin Deficient Type 2's, this is a preferred treatment
The other 3 you mentioned are in the GLP-1 drug class - work differently - they "mimic" the hormone your body makes to turn your own insulin production On/Off so your pancreas has to at least be working half decently
Added benefits of this class of drugs is Cardio Vascular protection (number one killer of diabetics) plus it tells your Brain to "stop eating so much" so most lose a few to many pounds, which also benefits blood sugar levels - being overweight is the biggest hinderance to good blood sugar control - not talking body positive here - Type 2 Diabetics who are overweight make sugar management very tough
Common side effects of GLP-1 drugs is initially (and with dosage changes) GI "tummy" issues that should subside in a 2 or 3 weeks, but in rare cases these drugs can cause Thyroid issues
But you have to remember with either class of drugs there are "saving you from dying from Diabetes Complications" which happen 100% of the time, for sure, if you don't control your blood sugar
No meds are SAFE, but living with some side effects beats dying from diabetic complications and that has to be remembered when deciding if the drug is right for you
If you don't have a few pounds to lose, your heart is in good shape and the Jardiance is not causing frequent/chronic yeast infections then you should ask your Doc "WHY" they want to switch and expect a detailed answer...
Tried jardiance. Had an allergic reaction woke up in hospital day later with pancreatitis completely shut down my pancreas.
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