Pill Vs Injection
I've always been needle phobic and my doc now wants me to inject Ozempict. I can barely cope getting a flu shot or something like that. I practically need to take sedation if I have to give blood samples. I just don't know how I'm going to do this.
He told me that an ozempik pill is coming out but no one has any experience with it. I'm driving myself crazy trying to decide between injections which will make me faint and a pill nobody has taken. Its crazy I know, but if you've never injected… read more
I am on both.. doesn't bother me to be honest needles used to but not anymore well unless they are going into my hand then yes I hate them
i am needle phobic also.
Well my Dr. started me on ozempic , i had lost 25 pounds he was giving me samples from his office but when that ran out i had to quit taking them due to the high cost of it .Who can afford the high cost of that??? I was down to 20 units a day but now im back on tojeo and up 35 pounds and at 70 units , no energy can only work maybe 2 hours max and need to lay down .
the needle isn't that bad. you get use to it. when I first started on insulin no one told me how to do it. but now it's a piece of cake. I hate needles to and you wouldn't think I was considering i'm tattooed and pierced....
How To Change State That I Live In
Anyone Recently Gone Into Trulicity Injections
My Tummy Area Is Not Soft Anymore, The Insulin Injection Sites Are Lumpy And I Am Battling To Lose The Weight, Please Assist?