Blood Levels
I was diagnosed with diabetes the end of February. My reading was 384 and A1C 14. I really started watching what I ate and completely cut out all sweets. My blood readings are now between 85 and 110 and A1C is 5.8. I take Metformin 500 mgs 2 times per day. My doctor is very happy with my readings. I keep wondering why if my readings are so good why my Metformin dosage is not being cut.
Anyone have any answers....
My doctor gave me the choice to get off metaformin. I took the same dosage you did. I was 5.5 when I got off. Nine months later, no meds iI was 5.6
What a life experience report! This should encourage us(fellow Type 2 Diabetics) that we can be successful too! What a blessing!
I started out with a A!c of 12.8, 2000 mg of Metformin a day. Very soon had it at a decent level. Nine months after (with dr's okay) I stopped taking meds at an A1c of 5.6. That was 15 months ago, last A1c in July was 5.5. I would certainly ask for a trial period without them.
You’ve done extremely well. Good for you. My sister reduced her sugar levels drastically too. She was having regular checks with the diabetes nurse who didn’t reduce or take her off Metformin. This may be sheer coincidence but my sister became very unwell. Eventually she saw the doctor who reduced her dose and as her blood sugar remained stable he took her off Metformin completely and she’s been well ever since. See your doctor and ask him, as an earlier poster suggested, why he has not reduced your dose.
This is fantastic! Keep up the great work. Share your concerns with your doctor and allow him to explain why the dosage is staying at 2 times per day. That's exactly the dosage I take too. Great work, you are inspiring others wit hType 2 Diabetes!
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