What Do You People Think About All These Guys With Their Wonderful How To Solve Diabetes ? Half An Hour Story And Buy A Book?
I am fine today thank you.
Depends who they are
There are some scammers and then there are others that can tell you how they did it
If they are being honest what they are selling is "How THEY Achieved Remission" - their method, what they found, what worked for them and for some people they will always prefer someone else to do the work and will pay something for it
I achieved remission about 7 years ago. I'll tell you what worked for me free of charge and there is a few others in this gang that don't mind talking as well
None of us did it the same way and that's the thing. Type 2 is a Metabolic Disorder that is effected by hundreds if not thousands of variables
YOUR Type 2 Diabetes is "unique to you" and four totally different successful techniques may not work for you at all
But at the very base of all the (plans that actually work) we all have some commonality
You MUST get to normal weight - no excuses
You MUST eat a low carb diet - no more than 130 carbs/day and maybe a lot less
You MUST exercise upwards of 240 minutes a week - walking is fine but it must be specifically for exercise - this is "In addition to" however active you are all day "normally"
Do those things and you are well on your way - then you only have to figure out the dozens of other things "unique to you" (like I can not eat peas - should be fine but not)
what is your cure? tell me please.
Do Anyone Have Cooking Recipes I Could Try. I Brought A Crockpot And Do Not Know How To Cook
Does Type 2 (T2) Diabetes Make You Prone To Developing Other Diseases?
How Is Your A1C And What Diabetic Medicine(s) Do You Take?