Colleagues How Often Must I Drink The Glass Of Red Wine Being A Diabetic Person? Also Is The Venison Meat A No Go Area?
Please share your own experience and opinion on these issues.
Kind regards
Thank very for the feedback Hkc highly appreciated
Venison is fine. In fact, I have enjoyed many a meal.
Diabetics do not have need red wine. In fact I have had no alcohol since 1980.
When diagnosed with diabetes in February 2021, A1C 13.5.
My A1C has been low 5s since. I guess diabetics don't need red wine to live their best life.
How is that @A DiabetesTeam Member.
One glass of red wine should be fine.As Henry said we don't need it - but may enjoy it.
Good Afternoon Colleagues, Please Advise If A Glass Of Red Wine Per Week Its Okay To Drink
I Have Noticed I Have Become Lactose Intolerant In The Last Year. I How Many Has This Happened To As Well?
Alcohol And Diabetes