Does Insulin Dependent Diabetes CUse Kidney Stones
You are right Pandapat. I forgot about the daily cocktail of vitamin and minerals he suggested also. Take b6, b12, and magnesium, helps prevent stones from forming. B6 and b12 are water soulable, goes out with urine, whatever the body doesn't use. Go with the lowest dose of b6, high does of it can cause Peripheral Neuropathy. The magnesium helps glycemic control. Magnesium Glycinate is the best, and also a natural muscle relaxer, helps improve sleep quality. B12, most diabetics are deficient in this vitamin anyways, as certain diabetes medications deplete this vitamin.
One drawback of acid urine is damage to your " bits" and UTI.
Insulin resistance from diabetes can cause kidney stones (that's when your cells stop responding to insulin) which can raise your levels of calcium in urine. Therefore, it can cause kidney stones. When you have T2 diabetes, high levels of insulin can make your urine more acidic. My urologist put me on a daily vitamin c, to help stop the production of kidney stones, as I as getting them every couple of months. He said it would make my urine so acidic, nothing could survive in it, also good for immune system, to fight against colds. Hope this helps you.
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