How Do You Easily Lose 10 Pounds In 4 Or 5 Days?
Simple, you get a nasty stomach virus that stops you from eating
Which also dispels that myth that what/how much you eat isn't the greatest factor in your weight - if you stop eating or eat less the weight will come off, period - no magic diet - less food in = weight comes off
Since last Friday Morning I have lost 11 pounds. Whatever virus I picked up has had me down hard and finally this morning being killed by a pack of wild dogs is no longer the more humane looking option - whatever I… read more
In my experience losing weight fast = the risk of putting on weight fast.
@A DiabetesTeam Member, been missing you around here. Hope you’re feeling better soon. Enjoy that steak when you can 💚
Great advice, Graham. It's easy when you can see the advice in writing. I've read that for diabetics, losing even a few pounds can help.
"Weight is directly related to whet you put in your mouth. Don't put it there and it won't end on your hips." should be on a sign and stuck on the refrigerator!
feel better, and enjoy that steak!
What does that consist of @A DiabetesTeam Member? I am curious?
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