Will I Ever Get Any Better Or Will This Keep Getting Worse Until I Die?
@A DiabetesTeam Member the answer to your question depends on a few variables:
Where are you starting from - what is your baseline - we are all diagnosed at different stages after different lenths of time from onset, some with more impairment than others etc
And we all have different levels of motivation and commitment. Some are willing to do whatever it takes to improve their condition themselves without making excuses and others simply want the doctor to give them a pill to try and make it go away despite their total lack of willingness to do anything to help themselves
So depending where your starting line is you could significantly improve your condition and possibly totally prevent it from ever progressing far enough that it would impair you quality of life
You could be at the top of big climb on the Roller Coaster about to start your decent from the top or somewhere in between
Managing type 2 diabetes effectively can significantly improve your quality of life and reduce the risk of complications. Here are some key points from your knowledge base:
- Lifestyle Changes: Adopting healthier eating habits, losing weight, and getting regular exercise can slow the progression of insulin resistance and Show Full Answer
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