My Doctor Wants Me To Go On Ozempic. To Help Me Lose Some Weight And Possibly Get Off Some Of My Meds My Diabetes Is Controlled. Any Advice
If anyone had issues with it . I am in my 70’s even though I feel like I am in my 50’s
It made me so sick. And I did not lose a pound.
My concern is the severe side effects. Research to see if you have organ issues that would hinder you from taking Ozempic. I love the idea of these new meds to help people lose weight. The first time I heard the commercial I was very disappointed. I've had pancreatitis my whole life. It's one of their first side effects, in fact all of the different injections have pancreatitis as a side effect. If it wasn't a side effect, I would be on it. I have a rebuilt pancreas so I'm not messing with Ozempic.
Make sure you speak to your physician about the options and the reasons you want to take it
It also lowers your glucose.
If you can try it, do so. Good luck and let us know how well it works.
I actually take Farxiga, it's a pill that stops progression of kidney disease that originally was a diabetic med. I lost 25# on it last year and kept it off. It's not given to lose weight, but weight loss is a side effect. So I lucked out. And I pray you do too!
@A DiabetesTeam Member did your Doc explain "why" they believe it would be the better way to treat
I get the Doc may want to see you lose a bit of weight - healthier all round - but if you are "well controlled", which 70% of patients never achieve at all, I maybe wouldn't be in a rush to change that unless there is a few potential benefits
Now, Ozempic works incredibly well, is heavily prescribed and has been around now for a few years so at least in the shorter term it seems quite safe AND effective
What meds would the Ozempic replace?
Thank you hugs 🥰
@Christine21 👋🏽
You’re so welcome 😊
Virtual Hugs 🤗🤗🤗🤗
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